Introducing the New &  Improved Naijanomics

Naijanomics is back with the same quality and a brand new look.

First, after undergoing a bit of identity crisis, Naijanomics is staying as Naijanomics. Due to some trademark issues (which got resolved because my site’s registered in Nigeria), I tried changing the name to Efikoeconomics. Let’s just say that a number of readers were…less than enthusiastic about the new name. Remember when Coke tried to change the classic taste of their drink? Of course you don’t – that’s how much of a bad idea it turned out to be. So likewise, Naijanomics stays as Naijanomics. Well…except now, it’s back and it’s gotten much better!

Second and more important news, I’ve moved Naijanomics from the WordPress blog to a full site (Thanks to the awesome Akanka Team*). So no more or, it’s now permanently isn’t my blog, so visit at your peril – it’s a graveyard really. The  was also the reason I tried to change the name, but the great news is that the trademark issue doesn’t apply

What’s different about this new site? Quite a bit. 

  1. The site is now fully responsive – so it renders perfectly on whatever device you’re using.
  2. You can now see every post in a glance. So feel free to scroll all the way back on any device to check out posts you might’ve missed.
  3. New snazzy featured pictures that adds a bit more colour to every post.
  4. Got suggestions for something you would like me to write about? You can now send me an email here
  5. Fret not, if you subscribed by mail to Naijanomics, you’ll still get notifications for new posts on this site.

Two exciting new announcments in the coming months, so stay tuned. One involves a new dope feature and one involves a product.

For now, please subscribe by adding your email and do share with your family, friends, colleagues, enemies, lovers, side-chicks, side-guys, and well everyone you know. Your hustle shall be blessed for doing so.

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*Disclaimer: I own Akanka, you know…the team that built the new site. Hit us up if you’re in the market (and you have money) for a snazzy new site. 😀


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